Symphony of Possibilities
Who are Symphony sessions for?
You know those times when you feel like the sun is shining for you, the breeze is created to cool your skin, the birds’ songs fill your heart with joy, and your body feels free of limitations? A Symphony session is for you if you and your body are seeking a feeling of oneness with the Universe…a space of freedom, magic and unlimited possibilities.
What is a Symphony of Possibilities session?
A Symphony Session invites you to LIVING in a completely different way. It is not a therapy or healing session — it is an exploration of energies with the target to empower each person to know that they know and what they can choose and change.
Every person has a unique capacity with receiving and gifting energies. A Symphony Session allows you to start to access what is right for you and your body, beyond what you have bought as real in this reality.
It begins to create the space for the awareness that whatever reality you are currently living is not the only possible reality you can choose.
Symphony of Possibility sessions are based on Access Consciousness tools and the energetic transformation work created by Dr. Dain Heer. All Symphony Practitioners are trained by Dr. Dain Heer personally, in a series of classes all around the world.
What is the result of a Symphony session?
During Symphony sessions, we play with energies… melting stuck places and expanding others… to create miraculous change in your life and living. When we change the energy of something, we change realities. Symphony sessions are about energetic empowerment. They can invite you to live in a completely different way and to create space for:
- Vibrant health
- Ease with your body
- Joy and playfulness
- Wealth creation
- Harmony in relationships
- Peace – mentally, physically and emotionally
- Improved sleep
- Increased possibilities and opportunities
What is a session like?
In-Person Sessions: I have a welcoming treatment room in my home. We will chat a bit before beginning your session. My treatment room is a “no judgment zone” and everything we discuss is completely confidential. You will remain fully clothed but will remove your shoes prior to lying down on a massage table. Symphony sessions may include lying on your back or your stomach. It is important to be relaxed during your session, so we will always discuss the most comfortable positions for your body.
Distance Sessions: I will send you a Zoom link prior to your session. If you prefer your session to be by telephone, we can do that as well. We will chat a few moments before your session and then you will lie down on a bed, couch, chair or the floor in a comfortable position for you.
All Sessions: Your session will begin with an energetic meditation to allow your body to relax and receive the Symphony energies. I may “narrate” some of your session. You are welcome to relax and fall asleep or to talk during your session. Sometimes, talking helps you release further limitations and points of view you have about your body.
After your session, you will sit up slowly, drink some water and we will discuss any questions or insights you have had during your session. I may have some handouts for you or suggest some videos that may give you further tools to create more change in other areas that you are seeking change.
How often should I have a Symphony session?
“How often would your body like a Symphony session?” is a question we can explore based on what you would like to create with your body. Special packages are offered for clients who want regular sessions.
What is the cost of a Symphony session?
60-minute session – $100.00
Ask about our special pricing on packages!
How do you schedule an appointment?
To schedule an appointment, please use the button below, call Jonda Watson at (830) 265-1283 or email to jonda@luminousblessings.net.